Supporting your Childs Mental Health
Check out these fantastic resources from
A short guide on Supporting your Childs Mental Health
Running out of ideas for things to do at home?…Making the most of family time
Make walks a bit more interesting! Making the most of family walks
Professor John Sharry is a social worker and family psychotherapist with over 30 years experience as a child and adolescent mental health professional.
He is a co-founder of the Parents Plus Charity, an adjunct Professor at the School of Psychology in University College Dublin and co-founder of Silver Cloud Health.
He is co-developer of the award winning Parents Plus Programmes, and the best selling author of fourteen positive psychology and self-help books for families including Positive Parenting, and Counselling Children Adolescents and Families. John is a parenting columnist for The Irish Times and a regular contributor to the national media. This is his practice website:
Back to School resource
Pili Pala Project is a lovely website developed by a play therapist. It has some free downloadable resources.
COVID-19 has brought many changes, which have had a huge impact on yours and your child’s lives. Whilst schools will be a welcome routine for many families and some children may be feeling excited, going back to school for many will not be easy and can cause a whirlwind of emotions for your child.
This guide was created to support your child’s transition Back to School.
COVID-19 has got your kids all in a frenzy. They’ve had to adapt to a lot of changes which causes a hurricane of emotions to wash through them on a daily basis. This is aimed at 7-12 year olds Butterflies in my Stomach
© 2021 Pili Pala Project
Helping children and young people to manage anxiety
This practical guide is about supporting children during periods of disruption.
There are some excellent resources here Young people don’t often get much advice about how they could help themselves. Here is a list of strategies young people use, shared with you to help you to manage your wellbeing. It’s up to you to decide what helps. If it works, keep doing it. If it doesn’t, stop and try something else.
Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families
12 Bite—sized Mindfulness Activities
This short 12 Bite-sized Mindfulness activities is a practical guide that explores wellbeing topics such as mindfulness, emotions, feelings, breathing and kindness.
Relax like a cat
If you have ever watched a cat sleeping, you will know that cats sleep like they don’t have a care in the world. They curl up in a ball or stretch out flat and snooze away in the softest, comfiest spot they can find. Cats are very good at relaxing. They could probably teach us a thing or two about how to relax. Click here for Relax like a cat.
Creative Mindfulness Resources
Louise Shanagher is a children’s therapist, mindfulness teacher and Psychology Lecturer. She provides creative and well-being workshops, mindfulness classes as well as online and class training. She is the author of three books: The “Mindfully Me” series, Ireland’s first series of mindfulness books for children.
Free Resources from Creative Mindfulness
Schroll to the bottom and find some led meditations here
Winter Wellbeing guide
We created this Winter Wellbeing booklet for our school community.
Recognising that we live in challenging times, doing some simple things every day can help bring about a sense of wellbeing. It is a trickle effect —small, regular efforts have an impact. If you are practising Wellbeing or self care you will be in a better position to support others.
If you are stuck at home…
14 day challenge to try at home if you are stuck in
Wellbeing exercises for younger ones
Join your children in trying the Lazy Cat, the Turtle, the Lemon or all of these relaxation activities brought to you by Save the Children. Click here for Stress Busters from our heart