Active Schools

At Canal Way ETNS we have placed a strong emphasis on keeping fit and healthy. To support our work we have been accredited with the Active Schools Award Flag.

This has formed links with programs such as ‘Bizzy Breaks’ from the Irish Heart Foundation. We strive to keep children as active as possible during the school day. We are now city famous for our annual and hilarious costumes. We make activities fun and enjoyable.

Canal Way ensures that all children access the PE curriculum and integrate PE with as many other subject areas as possible.

We encourage active travel to and from school.

There are more details about the initiative here:

Student Council

The Canalway Student councils are involved in a variety of initiatives aimed at improving the school environment, fostering a sense of community, and addressing student needs.

This year the council have focused on

  • Learning more about the democratic process.
  • A whole school vote regarding school pets.
  • The installation of a school aquarium.
  • Ongoing improvement of facilities within the school.

Green Schools

We are committed to helping the environment in Canal Way ETNS. Since opening in September 2013 we registered with the Green Flag program and achieved this accreditation for energy conservation, recycling and we are working towards water conservation.

The whole school are involved in maintaining a litter free yard and recycling.

You can find out more about the initiative here:

Student Corner

Junior Infants have been reading the story of The Little Red Hen.  Jan’s Class were inspired to make some yummy brown bread with John.