NEWSLETTER 24.10.2013
Dear Parents / Guardians …. welcome to this weeks newsletter.
ETHOS: All are invited to our harvest themed assembly tomorrow. Please bring non perishable foods as a donation for the homeless shelter. The children have been learning about Halloween. Diwali will be celebrated on November 2nd, and the children will be finding out lots about this festival of light upon their return… Diwali celebrations in Dublin make for a good family day out. Best wishes to all celebrating these festivals.
PARENT TEACHER MEETINGS: By now you will have received your times for the parent teacher meetings. Please return the slip confirming your attendance.
VOLUNTEER: We would like to appeal to the parent body to find out if anyone has expertise in processing wages. If anyone is willing and able, please contact me directly.
STAFF: Special Needs Assistant closing date for application has just passed, so we will be hopefully appointing a person in the coming weeks.
HEALTHY LUNCHES: Thank-you for supporting our healthy eating policy. Please continue to pack healthy lunches for the children.
HOLIDAYS: We will be finishing this Friday at the usual times, and returning on November 4th. We hope the children have a great break.
MONEY FOR MUSIC: TABLE QUIZ … 8pm Friday November 22nd, McGowans’ of Harolds Cross. €40 per table of four. €150 for the winning team plus lots of great raffle prizes to be won! Have fun and help Portobello ETNS raise money for djembes, tambourines, glockenspiels, boom-whackers, casabas, agogos and sticks!
DELIVERY: We took delivery of the long awaited new chairs for the junior and senior infants. We had great fun hauling them into the school, and all will agree that they are far more comfortable. But more importantly they are YELLOW! Have a look at the photographs –
Enjoy the break & best wishes,