Newsletter 17.10.2013
Dear Parents / Guardians ,
ETHOS:The children were learning about festivals & Eid this week. The older classes were reading Aesop’s Fables.
We would like to welcome parents to our assembly on next Friday, 25th October at 08.40am. It should last about 15-20minutes. We will be tight for space so don’t wear bulky jackets! This is a harvest themed festival. We are also making the children aware of homelessness in the area, and we have chosen a homeless shelter that we would like to make a donation to – Mendicity Shelter, Island Street. We would be most grateful if you could send some non-perishable food in with your child for next week’s assembly. We will collect this at the assembly and then send it down to the shelter over the weekend. (pasta, coffee, biscuits, etc.) Just to note we will not be having fancy dress next week – we will have a fancy dress day for World Book Day later in the school year, so hold onto the costumes for that.
SCHOOL CLOSURE: Reminder that the school is closing from 28th October to 1st November inclusive.
SCHOOL FACILITIES: In the interest of child protection, we would like to clarify that school toilets are only for children’s use. Thank-you.
MATHS WEEK This week was Maths Week. The infants had a great time at the maths station in Aistear and Fiona’s class enjoyed solving fun problems and puzzles all week.
FUNDRAISING: We are having a ‘Table Quiz’ in November. We will confirm the dates and times next week. This fundraiser will be to raise money for percussion instruments – Djembes, Tambourines, Glockenspiels, Boom-whackers, Casabas, Agogos, Earplugs etc. There will also be a raffle at this event, so if anyone can supply prizes or donations please send details to [email protected]
OUT AND ABOUT See picture from last weeks Shape Trail.
PARENT TEACHER MEETINGS We will be having our annual ‘parent-teacher meetings’ in November, where you will have a chance to have a discussion with your child’s teacher. We will be in touch with times and dates over the coming weeks.
Best Wishes,