Welcome to this week’s newsletter,
OUR STUDENT COUNCIL DECIDES – On Friday we will be making a mask.
Our first Student Council was set up on Monday, and the council set up a vote to decide on a fun activity for Friday. They voted on the following ….
1. Dress up in a colour. 2. Don’t Dress up 3. Make a mask on Friday
Every student in the school voted and have decided …. On Friday we will be making a mask.
Regards, The Students Council.
MIDTERM EVENTS – Barnstorm create excellent children’s theatre and their new play has the specific theme of starting school, which may resonate with the Junior Infant classes. It’s on Sunday 25th October in The Mill Theatre, Dundrum, at 3pm and it’s 8 euro. portobello
PARENTS ASSOCIATION – An email was sent out from the Parents Association regarding parental volunteering to support the after-schools programme at the school. Please have a read of the email and respond if available to [email protected]
Toddler Group Friday Morning in parents room, for our parents and toddlers.
COMMUNITY Digital Hub are running a #Techmums prog to give mums in #Dublin8 IT & coding skills.Starts 06/11 & runs for 7 wks.
HEADLICE – Please check your children and treat accordingly. Preventative products are also available over the counter at your local pharmacy. You must let us know ASAP if your child has been visited.
SCHOOL CLOSURE – Our school closes this Friday normal time, and re-opens November 2nd. Have a safe and happy holiday,
The staff of Canal Way ETNS.