06.10.2015 NEWSLETTER


Here are the names of the newly elected Parents Committee and the roles they will undertake during the school year
Chairperson & Afterschool Activities – Paul Madden.
Secretary – Kate Beglan.
Steve Boyd – Treasurer & afterschool
Sarah Carroll Kelly – PR & promotions
Jessie Hamilton – PR & Fundraising
Ciara O Sullivan – After School & Events
Michelle Browne – Fundraising & Events
Olivia Leslie – Fundraising & Events
Liza Micallef – Fundraising & Events

(Remember, everyone is a member of the parents association. The committee organise the association.)

Parent Social Night planned for early November – date and venue will be confirmed soon.
In the meantime if anyone is interested in volunteering their time or skills just have a chat with your parent committee rep from your class. We’re looking forward to building on the great work of the previous Parents Committee and putting on some fun events throughout the school year.

BOARD OF MANAGEMENT: Parents elected to the Board of Management are John Maher & Irenie McLoughlin. They will take up their roles in December.

EVENT – Parents Association Join us for a Book Swap in the Parent’s room. Drop in for a cup of tea and pick up a new read! Wednesday 21stOctober from 1.15pm – 2.10pm.

Roadworks on James Walk – Resurfacing of Road
Monday 19th -Thursday 22nd October. Junction of Rueben Street to St Marys road from 8am – 5pm. There will be pedestrian access but no parking available between these two roads. Please factor it in to your journey time to school if you usually park out on James Walk.

THANK-YOU TO THE STAFF – As you know we have just completed a Whole School Evaluation on Thursday, at the ripe old age of 25months. In those 25months, we set up our school in two locations, doubling in size in each location. Which again, was the case for this September – in the last 6 weeks, our staff and students have just about doubled in size and we have moved upstairs to increase our classrooms. The work load has been enormous, and I would like to thank each and every member of our staff, for their dedication and endless generosity that they continuously give to Canal-Way ETNS. The WSE has been a time for reflection and will be a great support for the staff as we plan our future years together. TO ALL OF THE STAFF – A HUGE THANKYOU.

PHOTOS – Check out the antics today GALLERY.

Enjoy the Weekend,