NEWSLETTER 17.10.2014
Dear Parents / Guardians,
It appears some people did not get the newsletter email last week. There was a newsletter last week, which you will find if you scroll down. Our newsletter is published every week, so always check the website on a Friday just in-case you do not receive the mail.
ETHOS: Our staff attended Human Rights training yesterday afternoon, in preparation for our Human Rights month in November. We have learned the second verse of ‘Blowin’ in the Wind’ at assembly this morning, where we also discussed voting and democracy. The children will be learning about Harvest next week.
TEACHING AND LEARNING: It was Maths Week this week. Have a look in our Gallery to see our maths trail in Senior Infants, 1st, 2nd & 3rd. Junior Infants enjoyed maths activities – see photos in Gallery. Wilma’s class made pumpkin hand print pictures too. Aodán’s class did rainfall charts – to lift the spirits!
CALENDAR: The school is closed for midterm on 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th & 31st. School closes normal time on Friday 24th.
PARENTS ASSOCIATION: On behalf of the Parents’ Association and volunteers, we would like to inform you of our table quiz which takes place on Friday 14th November at 8pm in Mc Gowan’s of Harold’s Cross. All proceeds raised on the night will help finance a new bicycle shed at our school. We will also hold an all-important raffle and we ask parents to please donate raffle prizes if you have anything suitable. Please contact Deirdre Brennan at [email protected] for further details. The Parents’ Association will update our school community on our objectives for the year ahead, in the coming weeks.
COMMUNITY: There is a Sale of Work on at 25 Cork Street, tomorrow for The Sophia Group who do great work locally supporting people with housing. It’s on from 11am to 4pm. Pop in and get yourself a bargain !
Enjoy the weekend,
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