Newsletter 10.10.2013


Our school song this month is Stevie Wonder’s ‘Sir Duke’ and the children are enjoying this. Please feel free to practice at home … make it a family thing! Eid Ul Adha is being celebrated in Ireland on Tuesday 15th. Best wishes to those in our community who will be celebrating this. The children will be talking about this early next week.


Please see our advert for Special Needs Assistant. We will be recruiting for this over the next month.


We have updated our website with contact details. Please use 01 6613333 or contact us at [email protected]

Our senior children had a fantastic trip to Rathmines Library earlier this week. We plan on bringing the whole school soon. Rathmines Library are celebrating 100yrs this year, and were the first children’s library in Ireland. Visit their website here – there is a nice exhibition on at the moment. We are off on a shape walk tomorrow weather permitting.

Enjoy the weekend,