NEWSLETTER 06.06.2018
Welcome Jayne to our school – We are delighted to have you join our teaching staff Jayne !!
Third Class have been working on construction and designing a marble game, making hovercrafts using items from re-create. Cian’s class are learning about China. Aileen’s Class are learning about Charlotte’s Web and have been measuring lengths in cubes and straws. Simons Class have been making podcasts about some of the amazing things thaqt are happening around Canal Way ETNS.
Our senior Class, 4th 5th 6th have written a play, and are rehearsing it at the moment. This will form part of their Graduation ceremony. Details to follow.
BLOOM GARDEN FESTIVALMany thanks to Joseph Blair for arranging our annual visit to Bloom. The Green School Committee and 3rd Class had an amazing time. We had great weather and lots to see and learn. There was some debate as to whether the ice-cream cones or Micheal’s band Tanjier were the real highlight of the Day! CHECK OUT PICTURES
- STANDARDISED ASSESSMENT INFORMATION MORNING – THURSDAY 14th Classes from first to sixth class complete standardised testing every year, which is mandatory nationally. We have developed our Assessment Policy and shall be informing you of the results annually in end of year reports. To explain standardised testing in advance of the end of year reports, Fiona will be facilitating an information coffee morning in the school at 08.30am. Please RSVP if you are attending – [email protected] This shall be a very informative morning, and we recommend you make every effort to attend.
- SPORTS DAY – Friday 15th June. Please send in old towels, spoons and large burlap sacks / turf bags to Aodán.
- DISCO JUNE 21st – Our Annual Early Morning Disco will be happening on June 21st. Get your disco clothes ready.
SPONSOR Walk MONEY – Please send in your sponsorship money to your class teacher as soon as possible. Thank-you for your continued support.
RETURN BOOKS ASAP Please have a look for any books borrowed from our school Library, or that may have been given to your child by their class teacher during the school year and not returned yet. We need Novels/ Readers back by 15th June so we can get our book order sorted for September.
YARD ART thanks to Kathleen and Rob for helping complete the yard art which displays outr core values, and were completed by the children.
VOLUNTEERSWe are looking for volunteers to come to the school on Saturday Morning, at 9 am, to help fill a skip, clear old lighting from stage, and do some painting. It should take a few hours or so. Please email office if you are available – we would really appreciate the help, thanks [email protected]
SCOOTERS AND BIKES – Please do not use scooters in the yard at either collection time or dropping off.
HOMEWORK – We will be easing off homework now, so please get them out into the sunshine and enjoying the weather.
Coder Dojo – Has finished for the year, and we would like to thank Maria for leading this and all the team. This is a fantastic initiative and we are so grateful for your dedication and commitment. Thankyou.