NEWSLETTER 28.05.2015
Dear Parents / Guardians,
ETHOS: Our core value for the last month is sharing. We have lots of dates this month – Ocean Day 8th, Blood Donor Day 14th, Child Labour 12th, Summer Solstice21st,
PARENTS MEETING: The Board of Management are hosting a meeting in the school on June 16th at 20.00hrs. We will be facilitating discussions around enrolment policy at this meeting, we will be updating you on the work that has been happening in our school and also our parents association will be updating you on their work also. We are really looking forward to seeing you there.
CAPOEIRA: The organisers have asked me to remind you that there is no class this Friday.
PARENTS ASSOCIATION REPORT: PA Committee Meeting 19th May: Big Thanks to all for the sponsored walk. The Committee has communicated some parents’ requests for a sibling policy to the Board of Management. See below. We will organize a new lock for the bike shed. Extracurricular activities for next year are being planned. The committee is also writing a policy on organizing these activities, which is at the draft stage. We plan to make more use of the Parents Room. There was also some discussion of events and activities to the end of the year – a barbeque in June and arrangements for summer play dates. The next meeting will be on 9thJune. Any queries for the committee, please contact [email protected].
TEACHING AND LEARNING: We had Sanford Park Secondary School Students into see us with their guitars and drums and we had a great time as they accompanied us with our singing. We had a barbershop performance, rapping and all sorts. Big thanks to Wilma for organising it, and roping in a family member or two for the performances.
SCHOOL CLOSURE: We are closed on this Monday 1st, and Tuesday 2nd of June. School re-opens on Wednesday. School closes for Summer holidays on the 30th of June.
BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS: Big happy birthday to our administrator ‘Eavan’ who was 21 on Monday. Enjoy the celebrations over the weekend Eavan. x
Have a nice long weekend,
From all the Staff of Canal Way ETNS.