Welcome to this weeks newsletter,
ETHOS: Our core value this month is sharing. The children are singing ‘Altogether Now’ by the Farm at assembly. This song is about the WW1 Christmas Truces that happened along the western front in winter 1914, when soldiers on both sides shared gifts and played football. Listen to the track here.
MEETING: Tuesday 16th @ 19.30hrs, for parents of children who are in the school at present. We will be discussing our school development, our enrolment policy, and updates from the Parents Association. There will be an open discussion on our current enrolment policy. Please read the document before the meeting so that you can contribute. DOCUMENT.
TEDDY BEARS PICNIC: We will be having a Teddy Bear’s Picnic to celebrate the end of our school year.
When: 28th June 2015, 2-4.30pm
Where: School garden weather permitting
More details will follow over the coming weeks. Please contact Irenie at [email protected] if you would like to be involved in organising this event. Thank you.
SICCDA: The liberties are being decorated with bunting. SICCDA are running this initiative. Please contact SICCDA for details on workshops. [email protected] & 01 4536098
LIBRARY: Summer Reading Buzz – have a look at this initiative for summer reading.
REMINDER: School closes at 30th half day, for the summer holidays and return on September 1st.
Enjoy the weekend,