NEWSLETTER 27.03.2014
Welcome to this week’s newsletter ….ETHOS: Our core value this month is Justice. The children have been exploring ‘fairness’ this week.
FAMILY FUN DAY: A date for your diaries next weekend! – Our next Family Fun Day, with face-painting, art corner, activities, pop up cafe & more is on Sunday 6th April 2-4pm, Clogher Road Community Centre. Come along and support the fundraising to move our school to our new location in Basin Street for Sept ’14.
As usual we are crowd advertising the event.We will be emailing you with a poster – please pop it up in your local cafe, creche, supermarket etc. Funds raised at this event will assist with the school start-up costs, including PE equipment & furnishings for the children in our move to Basin Street.
We will be running a pop up cake cafe with wares baked by our parents. We are looking for some more baking volunteers. So if you’re handy with your oven please bring some donations of fairy buns, brownies or cookies along on the day!
SCHOOL HOLIDAYS: Reminder that school closes on 11.30am on Friday 11th of April, and shall re-open for term three on 28th April.
BOARD MEETING: Summary of Board meetings:
Since the recent meeting for parents at the school (13/02) and the election of the parent representatives, Stuart Clarke and Catherine Cosgrave, there has been two Board meetings and the BOM have attended Board of Management Training provided by Educate Together.
At the first meeting (17/02), the Board considered potential community representatives and we are delighted that Síne Lynch (RADE, a community arts project) and Brendan Kenny (Dublin City Council) have now been appointed to the Board. Stuart has been appointed as Treasurer and Dermot is the Secretary. It has been agreed that to keep the school community informed, the Board will provide short reports of its meetings through the school website.
The primary focus of both meetings has been the anticipated move of our school to Basin Street, and we await details of the lease of the building. Our teachers Dermot and Fiona have visited the site and have been introduced to some groups, and have had various meetings, including one with the primary school in the immediate area. Dermot has been invited to and will attend the official launch of the newly amalgamated Scoil Seamus. Our priority is to identify whether any changes need to be made to the building, furnishings and equipment for our school children and establishing our ethos in the school building.
In addition to the school move, the Board discussed the Principal’s report, especially enrolments for 2014/15 and finances. The Board agreed that any funds raised at the Fun Day Out in April will be used to assist with the school start-up costs, including PE equipment/furnishings for the children. The Board is grateful to all the parents and volunteers organising and contributing to the event.
ANTIBULLYING POLICY: In compliance with the recent Anti-bullying Procedures for Primary Schools, (Sept 2013; Dept. of Ed.), we are currently re-drafting our anti-bullying policy. There will be a hard copy of this draft in the secretary’s office next week for your perusal/input. We plan to have this ratified for term three.
OUT AND ABOUT: Tomorrow’s walk will have a ‘history’ theme – Old and New.
PICTURES: Have a look at some snaps below –
Enjoy the weekend,