Newsletter 20.03.2014
Welcome to this week’s newsletter,
OUT AND ABOUT: Please see pictures of last week’s trip to the City Assembly House. We trekked down through Grafton Street and turned a lot of heads. Have a look at the GALLERY.
SOCIAL EVENT: Stag’s Head Pub, Saturday 22nd March, 8pm. Tables are reserved in the upstairs bar. ‘To be’ parents of future pupils and PETNS supporters also very welcome.
FAMILY FUN DAY: Sunday 6th April 2-4pm – Clogher Road Community Centre. Face-painting, art corner, cafe & more. If you’re interested in getting involved please email [email protected]. More volunteers are needed – face-painters, cafe helpers and general support on the day.
BOARD OF MANAGEMENT: The Board met last Tuesday 18th March. We shall be updating the website with information from this meeting in the coming days.
STUDENT CONFERENCING: Senior Infants have had their conferences, and again they were very well received. Have a look at the photos in THE GALLERY. We would like to thank Mary Brosnan from Kilcolgan ETNS who presented at the Educate Together Conference in November and has supported us with our first of many pupil led conferences.
ACTIVE SCHOOLS: We will be having an active schools week on 12th to 16th May. We need parents to volunteer their expertise or enthusiasm for sport. Please get in touch with Fiona as she is organising the week. [email protected]
WELCOME: We would like to welcome Megan & Rachel students from St. Patricks College of Education who are with us for the next few weeks completing their final teaching practice.
All the best,