Newsletter 05.09.2013
Dear Parents / Guardians,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you once again for all your support in opening Portobello Educate Together. The week has been historic and all the children seem very happy as we approach our first Friday. The children are making new friends and the yard is beginning to buzz.
I am currently writing the school plan for our Ethical Curriculum. As part of this, we will have a ‘core value’ per month. This month’s core value is ‘Friendship’. The children will be learning and discussing this through-out the month of September. The children will also be looking at festivals in September, and we will be working hard to make our school a green school. And if we get some time, we will be doing some meditation and self-reflection.
Junior Infants will be staying a little longer next week (Monday 9th to Friday 13th September) and their times are 8.30am to 11.45am. From Monday 16th September onwards, we will be doing a full day – 8.30am to 13.10am.
Second Class: 08.30 – 14.10hrs.
First Class: 08.30 – 14.10hrs
Senior Infants: 08.30 – 13.10hrs
We have hired contract cleaners who are cleaning toilets, surfaces and contact points every day. We are very pleased with them. As you may have noticed we have carpets which the cleaners are hoovering daily also. Please do not send in yoghurt drinks with the children, as these are very difficult to clean when spilled. Also, pencil parings are proving to a challenge, and we would be most grateful when you are replacing colouring pencils, you could buy ‘Twistables’.
During the fine months we will be doing PE in the yard. The times for September and October are:
Junior Infants: Tuesdays & Thursdays
Senior, First, Second: Tuesdays & Thursdays
Junior Infants: Wednesday
Senior, First and Second: Wednesday
Please send in an old top or t-shirt with your child’s name on it – we can store these in the room and use them whenever we are doing art.
We have a small room beside the yard where you can store scooters and bikes. I am in the yard every morning and can help here. We have been storing them in the disability toilet, but we feel this would be a better place for them as it is important we keep this toilet clear and available for use.
The appointment of our secretary is in hand, and we expect to have an appointment made next week. Thank-you to the Interim Board Members who have been helping out this week.
We have compiled files for each child, and will be contacting you in the next week for any information we are missing – eg Student Information Forms, Consent Forms & Parent Skills Forms.
Myself and Fiona have several policies written and they will be up on the website, including our homework policy and our healthy eating policy.
We will be sending a weekly newsletter every Thursday. You will receive an email directing you to the website for this. Our phone line will be connected tomorrow hopefully and we will be in touch with office opening hours. We are contactable as always by email or 0866075684.
Enjoy the weekend,
Best Wishes,