Thankyou everyone for your support over this term and throughout the year. The children enjoyed a whole-school assembly on Monday, when all classes performed their songs for one-another. The children are enjoying online Panto in the hall today and tomorrow.

We wish everyone a wonderful break. We hope you have a Happy Christmas & a Peaceful New Year, if these are occasions for you in the upcoming weeks. Safe travelling to our families who are heading abroad for the holiday.

Lastly, we remember families in our community, who have experienced loss this year – this holiday can be a particularly challenging time, and we hold you in our hearts and in our thoughts – Dermot.


The assemblies last week were an absolute joy. We have recorded the performances. A HUGE thank you to Jenny, the mother of Casper from Sean’s class, for making these films possible.


Big thanks to the 6th class children for organising the bake sale & Coffee Morning in aid of Red Cross. they raised over €1,350. Also big thankyou to them for hosting the Assemblies. Thanks to Ciaran for his support in all of this.


  • Half Day 12:00hrs on this Friday 22nd
  • School re-opens on Monday 8th January for a full day of school.
  • School Closed January 23rd
  • Half Day February 9th


Our Intern student from Germany, concludes three great months with us, and we express sincere gratitude for his positive influence on our community. Best wishes for your future endeavours, Leon!


Next academic year, (09.2024) two German students here in CWETNS, will be seeking accommodation in Dublin for 3 months. Previous students rented rooms in Tallaght and Blanchardstown, while one was hosted by a Canal Way family locally, making their daily commute and experience of Dublin much easier.  We are seeking host families for German interns from September to November. If interested, email the school, and we’ll connect you with the students.


The Parents’ Association Committee have met every month this year to support the school with extracurricular activities, fundraising, and building community relationships. In the new year we will be running a  family sponsored walk in the Spring. We will announce a parents social evening in March and not to mention our fabulous annual summer BBQ in June. May you have a lovely Winter Break and we look forward to working with you all in 2024.

Thankyou for your support in our fundraising events this year:

  • The Book Fair raised €3,712.13 and again thank you to all who helped make this event a huge success.
  • The Winter Quiz We would like to thank everyone who helped us raise €3,108 from the Winter Quiz. A special word of thanks to the organisers, Sarah, Nicola, Karen and the team of parents who worked so hard on making this event such a success. If you didn’t get a chance to attend the quiz you can make a donation to the school with the link Fundraising page 
  • Big Thankyou to our sponsors who gave generously to our Winter Quiz: (Note The winner of the star prize of the  washing machine kindly donated by Currys, was donated on, and greatly received by Daisy House Dublin 8.