NEWSLETTER: 06.10.2017
Welcome to this weeks Newsletter,
ETHOS: Core Value this month is Respect. This week’s assembly was held in the garden, and we harvested potatoes, carrots & apples. PLEASE SEE THE GALLERY. The pictures are fab.
ONE DAY TOGETHER PLEASE SEE THE GALLERY for photos of the fundraising art piece for the Educate Together Group. Thanks to all who contributed. We will be in touch with the total raised when we have counted all the coins – next year some time!
Junior & Senior Infants have been busy learning all about the Library as their new Aistear theme this week. Aodan’s Senior Infants class have also been painting Autumn themes following a trip to the Garden.
Cian’s Class also visited the garden to mark ‘World Tree Day’ and Simon’s Class have been learning about Irish woodland animals.
Aileen’s Class completed their beautiful fairy village last Friday on what was a beautiful and productive day in the Garden and have been learning this week about aspects of Medieval Castles.
Third class have been learning all about procedural writing and the tale of Tir na n’Og. Doireann’s class visited the Farmers Market in St James Hospital to make links with the local community and have also been completing their Myths based on the Solar Eclipse in preparation for reading them to some of the younger classes.
PARENTS ASSOCIATION AGM Tuesday 10th October 2017 7.30pm in the School. A new Parents Association Committee will be put in place for 2017/18. It is important that at least 10 parents from each class attend, so that each class is properly represented in the year ahead. Tea, coffee and refreshments will be served
CRICKET – This has started for a six week term for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th Classes.
FUNDAY – Richmond Barracks Saturday 7th Oct, DETAILS HERE – might be something to do tomorrow !