NEWSLETTER 30.01.2014
Dear Parents Guardians,
Welcome to this weeks newsletter –
ETHOS: The Chinese year 4712 begins on Jan. 31, 2014. The children will enjoy Friday as we have lots of activities planned to explore this festival. Best wishes to all celebrating The Chinese New Year. Lots happening around the city – check it out.
VACCINATIONS: Thank-you to all Junior Infant parents who have returned their consent forms. If you want to avail of the vaccinations, and have not returned the forms, please do so in advance of Thursday 6th February. The HSE staff will manage the day and the children will be in good hands. We usually find if children see parents there it causes upset for them so we ask you to be brave and we will take good care of them as always. Any concerns please talk to me directly.
BOARD OF MANAGEMENT ELECTION NIGHT 13.02.2014: There will be a meeting in the school on Thursday 13th of February at 8pm, for parents/guardians of children currently attending the school, to elect parent representatives onto the Board of Management. Please let myself or the chairperson Niamh Shine know if you are putting yourself forward as a candidate, in advance of the 12th February. Thank-you to those who have done this already. Candidates are invited to say a few words (2 minutes) to the parent body before the election on the evening of the 13th. Every parent/guardian will have two votes, one for the male candidate and one for the female candidate.
Some general information: The function of the board is to manage the school. The parent representatives on the board will be working in that capacity. We want a parental perspective at all meetings however the primary function of the parent’s representative is in the management of the school, and not representing the parents. The term of the board is normally 4years, however this board will not run full term and shall be dissolved after 18months, as the term of office ends for all boards at the same time in autumn 2015. Our next meeting of board members will be on February 17th where we will continue working on completing the formation of the board. If you feel this role is not for you, then the formation of the parents association will be another separate opportunity to become involved actively in the school community.
INFORMATION NIGHT 13.02.2014: (SAME NIGHT) We will be continuing our meeting after the elections on Thursday 13th until 09.30pm for parents/guardians of children currently attending the school. We look forward to updating you on the development of our school, and our move to Basin Lane for September 2014.
COMMUNICATIONS POLICY: You will find our policies in the downloads section of the website. Please take the time to read this newly ratified policy. Just to highlight, if your child is sick, please send in a note when they return. There is no need to ring daily to inform us unless it is serious and something we need to be aware of. Also, if you are running late there is no need to ring or text. We will still be happy to see you when you arrive!
HEALTHY EATING POLICY: Please see this policy in the downloads section also.
MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: We are in the process of pricing instruments and are looking forward to making a purchase soon. We will keep you updated.
OUT AND ABOUT: Have a look at the photos in the gallery of last weeks trip to the Art Gallery. The children had a ball. Below are some pictures of the children drawing opposite The National Concert Hall.
Have a lovely weekend & best wishes,