NEWSLETTER 29.01.2015
Dear Parents / Guardians,
Welcome to this week’s newsletter –
ETHOS – This month’s core value is Love. Our children will be learning about Love and if you have any story books you would like to send in to read with the class, we would be delighted. The children are learning David Bowie’s Space Oddity (CLICK FOR VID) at assembly. They sound charming.
Check out our Gallery for parental involvement around the school. Thanks to all parents who are coming into the classes to help out with story, literacy etc. If you have any skills or superpowers that you would like to share with your child’s class, please let your teacher know.
WHOLE SCHOOL EVALUATION Our Whole School Evaluation report is now finalised and we will be sending you a copy of the report for your perusal. I am extremely proud of the report as are the staff and Board of Management. Educate Together have congratulated CWETNS on the high standard of this report. I would like to thank staff, our Board of Management, the children, the parents and the community for their support and help. We will have a link to the report on the website, when it is published by the DES.
KIDS CINEMA NIGHT AND SPRING CLEANING SALE – Saturday 6th February, 4 – 6pm. The Parents Committee are running the first school fundraiser event of the new year, a Kids cinema night. Taking place on the school premises, we also invite you to a pop up cafe in the parent’s room, Book sale and second hand textiles collection.
So as you may be spring cleaning please start collecting and bring along any second hand books (for grownups and children) as well as good quality clothes, shoes, handbags, belts, teddies and sheets for the Textile collection. We are also looking for volunteers on the day, so if you are interested in helping out please contact [email protected]
GRANDPARENTS DAY – CWETNS will be celebrating “Grandparents day” on Friday February the 12th. We invite grandparents of our students to come into our classrooms with the children at 8.30 directly from the yard. We will have some questions ready for the grandparents about their school days, games they played when they were young(er) and we will delight them with some songs and poems. After our chat, the Grandparents are welcome to join us for our school assembly. We will send out more information about the event next week.
NO NUTS / HEALTHY EATING We would like to thank you for your continued support in keeping our school NUT FREE. We have students with nut allergies as you all know, and your support is greatly appreciated. Thanks also for keeping the lunches so healthy.
COMMUNICATION – Keep your eye on the notice board in the yard. Events and news from PA posted regularly. Reminding again that our communication policy is on the website in the downloads section.
PARENT TODDLER GROUP on Friday mornings is back on – all parents of Canalway ETNS are welcome with their toddlers. Highly recommended.
STUDENT COUNCIL: The student Council met this week. The treasurer now has funds so watch out. The student’s council had a meeting about their needs, and the main theme was around the yard. The SC will have a workshop on how to prioritise their ideas, and action some changes for the yard. Wilma & I were at the meeting, and we were humbled by the standard of ideas and discussions, and look forward to the next meeting. The SC are also researching a homeless hostel / charity, and will be making a food appeal in the coming weeks. They shall be in touch with the details for this.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend,
Dermot & Staff.