NEWSLETTER 28.04.2016
Welcome to this week’s Newsletter,
STUDENT CONFERENCING: We hope you enjoyed the conferencing, and were as proud of your children as we were. Big thankyou to the staff for preparing the portfolios so well, and enabling the children to facilitate the meetings as confidently as they did. CHECK OUT GALLERY.
SCHOOL CLOSURES: The school is closed all next week, from 2nd to 6th May. We hope you enjoy your break. School calendar for school year 2016 / 2017 is on the home page.
GARDENING DAY – Thanks to the parents and staff volunteers last Saturday, who helped clear the garden and got a start on the gardening project. It was a great day filled with hard labour, fine food and wonderful conversation! We will be in touch for more volunteers – please get involved. CHECK OUT GALLERY. Cheers Joe, Ingrid & Wilma.
MEDIA: Have a look at this RTE NEWS PROGRAMME Wilma took First Class to the Ark and our children reviewed matters – 15.04.2015. Well done First Class – true ambassadors of CWETNS.
HEALTHY LUNCHES / NUTS: Pack healthy lunches and keep them NUT FREE. Thanks for your continued support.
May 12th, 7:45pm: general meeting of Parents Association and talk on internet safety for primary school children by Mary Crosbie of the National Parents council.
Saturday 28th May: National Parents Council Primary Conference 2016 – Parents supporting their Children’s Healthy Learning. All parents of children in primary school can attend this conference, not just members of PA committees.
The conference is about giving your children the opportunity to reach their full educational potential. It takes place from 10:30am – 4pm at the National College of Ireland, Mayor Street Dublin 1. Admission is free, and lunch will be provided. You must register in advance to attend. To register please go to or email your name and contact number to [email protected] or telephone 01-8874034.
The Minister for Education has formally opened the process for school patron bodies to apply for the patronage of the new Second Level School which is to open in the Dublin South city area in September 2018. The deadline for receipt of applications from school patron bodies is now Wednesday 8 June 2016 and a decision will made on the patronage by September 2016.
Educate Together will apply for the patronage of this school. It is likely that other school patrons will also apply. As you know, the Department of Education will make its decision on who will run this new school based on the number of Expressions of Interest that each school patron body has.
In order for the new school to be an Educate Together school it is essential that as many parents as possible in the local area have completed an online Expression of Interest form, before the deadline of 8 June. So please do the following:
1) Sign up on line at
2) Like our Facebook page:
3) Tell your friends and neighbors about the school campaign and get them to sign up.
This is a really exciting opportunity to have an Educate Together Second Level School in our local area. An Educate Together Second Level school will be coeducational, equality based, open to everyone and non fee paying, let’s ensure it happens! We need to get as many children signed up as possible SO we have 6 weeks to get as many parents as possible
Enjoy the break,