NEWSLETTER 27.10.2016
Welcome to this week’s newsletter –
ETHOS – Many celebrations are happening in the coming week. Samhain, Halloween & Diwali. Lots of light and fire around this time, so please be careful.
DRESS UP – DOWN We don’t do fancy dress around this time of the year in CWETNS. It is tradition in our school to dress up for Active Schools Disco in Spring. We are also working on another event for November, so please hold onto the ideas for then. Thanks.
HOMELESS APPEAL We are having a collection for the SVP homeless shelter on Patrick Street Dublin 8. Thank-you for the donations so far. Please send small items that we can bring down to the centre.
new hats, gloves, socks, vests.
Tins of food, pasta, rice, biscuits, tea, coffee.
Toiletries, shower gel, tooth paste, personal care items.
HOLIDAYS – We are closing on Friday at the usual time, and we will be re-opening on Monday 7th November.
GALLERY Check our updated pictures from Maths Week & more.
ABSENTEEISM – If your child is sick, please write a note explaining the absence and give it to your teacher when you return. Please do not ring the office or e-mail us unless we need to know immediately eg contagious illness.
THE PARENTS ASSOCIATION would like you to save the date for :
Our annual fundraising Table Quiz on Friday 18th Nov, at 8pm at Mc Gowan’s pub in Harold’s Cross. The cost is €40 per table of four. Big Prizes for the winning teams. Amazing raffle prizes including open RETURN FLIGHTS TO LONDON CITY for 2! Raffle tickets will be sold at our school on the week leading up the event. Please contact Mairead at [email protected] if you can donate a prize or get a local business. In the meantime, get your teams together and brush up your general knowledge! We will be spending the funds on yard activities and improvements for the children.
Have a lovely Break.
Dermot & Staff