NEWSLETTER 27.09.2019


Today we celebrated our HARVEST ASSEMBLY in the hall. Thanks to all the children for all of their growing, and their singing. Thanks to all involved in the garden and particular thanks to Wilma for heading up the event and the growing and the songs. T’was a lovely morning. Please see Gallery for photos


Today’s Harvest Assembly

3rd CLASS – Trip to Castletown House for a Maths trail

1st CLASS – Out and about looking at Transport

6th CLASS – Happiness Video

ROOTS OF EMPATHY – We are looking for a parent with a baby who be aged between 2 & 4 months this October? Do you have an hour per month to visit our school? Please contact us if you are interested in this. We are planning this year’s Roots of Empathy programme. The key to the success of this program is a young infant and parent comes into the classroom once a month during the school year – the children bond to the baby and experience empathy.

It is such a wonderful programme and the children who participated last year benefitted greatly from it.

GARDEN – We are looking for some volunteers for this Saturday for a general garden tidy up between 09:30 – 12:30. Even one hour of availability would be a great help. Please bring your own gloves and equipment if possible. Please confirm with Ingrid or Wilma if you are available to help or email the office to let us know.


ST KEVINS – Enrolment is now open for First Year September 2020. Please contact the school directly for an enrolment form – 01 4536397 or email [email protected]

LORETO College Crumlin Road, October 3rd 3pm to 6pm

ST KILLIANS – German fee paying school Clonskeagh open day 19.10.2019   11 to 1pm


‘Parenting through stressful times’ will be run in the community rooms in the school on Wednesday 16th October – facilitated by School Street Family Resource Centre, One Family and Tusla. 09:30 – 12. Please contact Aisling on 01-4547018 for more info or to book your place.


Please check out the noticeboard for posters about various courses and activities in the locality for both parents and children. There is a notice there about free adult education courses and language classes from South Inner City Adult Education Service.

ARE YOU AN ACCOUNTANT ? –  If any of our parents has accountancy skills, could they please email me [email protected] – thanks.


NCSE requested we set up a class for children with autism. Principal to inform NCSE that we are willing, but have no available space. FOREST SCHOOLS: Staff member to be trained by Forest Schools and initiative to be introduced to the school this year. AFTER-SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: All activities approved. Costs were discussed and board reflected and supported principal’s approach to enable all children to access the activities. BOARD OF MANAGEMENT: Dermot to liaise with Educate Together to identify a new patron representative for the Board of Management. It is noted that we have one nomination for the Patron Representative already. New Board will be formed in coming months, and procedure for electing parents was discussed in accordance with Board of Management Manual. BUILDING: Progress in planning, tendering and works onsite discussed – urgency noted and progress and works in hand all discussed and noted. Updated on hall – wall to be installed next week.


The committee met for the first time on Wed, and the outgoing PAC had a meeting with the incoming PAC for a handover. The following posts were elected:

Chair – Paul

Secretary & Comms – Laura

Afterschool classes – Brian

Events, Fundraising – Suzanne & Michelle

Treasurer – Helena

We would like to thank the parent’s association committee for stepping up and taking on the important role of fundraising and arranging community initiatives. They will be organising events in the coming year, and it is really important we attend them and support the school. Without these events, our school would not be able to buy the nice resources that EVERY child uses in the school. Please come out and support these events.


Mental Health Ireland’s 5000 Steps to Wellbeing Walk to well being launch Mental Health Week. The 5000 Steps to Wellbeing Walk takes place in UCD at 2pm on Sunday 6th October. The walk is approx. 4km in length and is an opportunity for everybody to learn about the Five Ways to Wellbeing whilst also having a lovely walk in the UCD Woodlands. Everybody must register for the walk online using this link.