Message from Dermot

A chairde,

It’s wonderful to see children and staff back at school and it’s really great to have such a full attendance.  The new start time of 08:30 – 08:45 is working well. Thank you to all families for getting to school on time! Please remember to wear a face covering in the yard at drop off and pick up and to adhere to distancing guidelines at all times. 

We held our welcome evening for new 2021 families on Zoom last night and it was a lovely evening. Our Board of Management met on Wednesday and the agreed report can be found on our Board of Management webpage HERE.

We have sent the books home today as a precaution – but lets be hopeful and positive this is just healthy paranoia on my part. We planned on slipping them home discretely however this information will be confirmed and featured on the 6oclock news tonight – in Canal Way style ! Emma O Kelly from RTE kindly asked to do an item in our school today for the news, and we obliged. We will be talking about the challenges of COVID in schools, and how we are adapting, and of course the books going home !

I am personally delighted with how well our short return went, bearing in mind the incidents of COVID in city schools.  Thank you to the whole school community and especially to the teachers and school staff for making our return to school so safe and successful.

Bain taitneamh as an sos,
