NEWSLETTER 24.11.2017
ETHOS: We are learning about Human Rights for the rest of the calendar year. The children will be learning about the right to water, homes, education etc, & wants and needs, The Rights of the Child, and The Declaration of Human Rights. We are singing We’ve All Got Rights and Blowing in the Wind at assembly.
BASIN LANE MURAL – thankyou to our parent Corinna Butler and all the other parents who made the mural happen and organised the planters at the top of the street. This took vision, initiative, persistence and pressure. The street looks so much better for it, and the children love it, as do the community. Our own mural is another masterpiece – the environment looks fab and all driven by parents.
SUBSET are the fantastic street artists who painted the hoarding on Brandon Terrace. (Gallery) They were so kind and waived their fee for this community project. Please share on social media to help the artists get some PR from this. Post on Facebook, Twitter and your fridge!
@subsetdublin #subsetdublin #liberties #canalwayetns
Following on from this art work, the other primary school on the street were inspired and have been in discussions with subset to do some artwork in their yard and on a wall at their end of the street. Dublin city council have also supplied 2 planters for the street just beside the bollards. There is also a group of TY students in St James Secondary school who have agreed to do some art work on the black bollards. There are lots of other ideas floating about as well so expect to see lots other changes going on the street in the near future.
SCIENCE – We had GO FLY YOUR KITE workshop earlier last week, where the children learned about flight and made & decorated kites. We also have BIG BEAR PLANITARIUMS coming into our school on December 7th and 8th next week. This will be an interactive space day. All of these educational experiences have been organised by Fiona, and are funded with monies raised by the Parents Association last year. Thankyou.
Greeting Cards
As a fundraiser for the school, we are organizing personalized greeting cards from Design-A-Card. Each student will create a winter-themed picture that will be incorporated into a personalized printed card design. In the coming weeks, you will be sent a sample of the card for your child (one per child) and given the option to purchase copies. A percentage of each purchase will go towards the school’s fundraising efforts.
Winter Fair
This year’s Winter Fair will be on Dec 10th from 2-4pm. Please let us know if you are available to volunteer for this event. We also need raffle prizes for kids and grownups. If you have something to offer, please contact [email protected] with the subject line Winter Fair.
Start-Up campaign for a new ET second level school A meeting was held on Wednesday night last at Canal Way ETNS to establish as Start-Up campaign for a new ET second level school at Harold’s Cross and the South West City areas. We had a large turnout of parents eager to get the ball rolling. Parents have already signed up to start working on particular tasks. We will have further details on our campaign and how to be involved over the coming weeks. Watch this space. Thank you
Enjoy the weekend,
Dermot & Staff