NEWSLETTER 24.09.2015
ETHOS – Friendship is our core value for the last week of September. Classes are enjoy listening to relaxing music during activities, and for reflection. 1st class are also making their own music now – and can play two notes on the tin whistle from my reckoning. Wilma has confirmed this could be the case, and also assures us that there have been no injuries.
THANKYOU – A big thank you for all who helped with organising extracurricular activities, especially Tanya, Michelle, Reiltin, and Gosia – We all agree it was organised so well.
Frasa Na Seachtaine
Dia dhuit. Hello
Dia is Muire dhuit – Hello (Response)
REMINDER Materials Money is due – please send into your teacher in an envelope marked clearly with your child’s mane. Thanks.
– Parent Toddler Morning – Every Friday 08.30 – 10.30.
– Supporting Your Child’s Speech and Language Development, a talk given by Jennifer Grundulis, will take place in the Parents Room on Wednesday 30th September at 8:30am. Jennifer will be happy to answer questions after the talk.
– Parents Association AGM will be held on this night. We hope as many as possible can attend, as the new committee will be voted in at the AGM. There will also be a report on activities for the last year. We hope to see you there.
– Parents Election to the Board of Management – We will be electing two parent representatives to our Board of Management on this night also. I shall be in touch with more information on this, but maybe ye can start to give this some thought if you are contemplating nominating yourself.
HEALTHY LUNCHES / NO NUTS: Thanks for the continued support with healty lunches and keeping the nuts away from our school.
GALLERY: Have a look in the gallery, or PLEASE CLICK HERE to see the goings on around the school in the first three weeks – in no particular order.
Have a lovely weekend,
Dermot & Staff.