NEWSLETTER 24.03.2017
Welcome to this weeks newsletter.
Recently the whole school enjoyed a skipping workshop with Marc Mc Cabe founder of Skipnrope. Today we had our first Playworks using the ropes, see the gallery for some photos. Skipping was really popular with the pupils and a great way to enjoy exercise. See the gallery for photos. We have organised Mark to come back next year and hope to impress him with all our practice.
Thanks to all the parents and guardians who came into the school over the last month for student led conferencing. The feedback has been really positive thank you for all the hard work.
Friends for Life
Friends for life is back and the ten week program will be completed with each class before the Spring break. Fiona will be giving a short presentation on this in the hall on Friday 31st March followed by a coffee morning.
Seachtain Na Gaeilge
The celebrations were great. We had poster activities, puppet shows, operation transformation and a big hooley in the hall – have a look at the pictures. Each class did a céilí dance which they had practiced previously, then there was a session – thanks to all the staff, and the children. Thanks to Cian as well. CHECK OUT THE GALLERY.
Coffee Morning- 31st March
The Parents Association Committee will be running a coffee morning in the school on Friday 31st March from 8:30am to 9:30am. Fiona will also give an overview of the ‘Friends for Life’ program.
Recipes Book
Please complete your recipes and send back in by 24th March. The template can completed and e-mailed to [email protected].
Do you have a fundraising ideas?
Have you got an idea for a event to help raise money for Canal Way Educate Together School? We are looking for an event to run during April. If you have an idea and are willing to take lead in organising the event, please e-mail us at [email protected] (Note that the Recipe Book will be on sale in March and the annual sponsored walk will take place later in the year – so those two ideas are gone!!)
Parent & Toddler morning
As you may know, there is a Parent & Toddler Morning takes place every Friday from 8:30am to 10am in the Community Room in the school. The organiser can no longer do every Friday due to work commitments. If anyone is interested in helping her to run this so that it can take place every week, please e-mail us at [email protected].
Reminder- How to contact the PAC
Should any parent which to formally raise any concerns you can do this directly to: [email protected]
Alternatively you can raise directly via email to your Class Representative.
Enjoy the weekend.
Dermot & Staff.