NEWSLETTER 22.11.2018
Newsletter Nov 21st 2018
ETHOS: Human Rights month is in progress, and children are enjoying learning about rights, wants and responsibilities.
SCHOOL PLANNING Following workshops, staff meetings, and reflection on our journey so far, we have drafted a School Vision Statement and Mission Statement which will form part of our School Plan. We are proposing this draft for your perusal, and welcome any contributions or observations that you may have. Please contact me directly with your thoughts[email protected] and we look forward to working on this and discussing at with the Board of Management in our meeting next week,
School Vision Statement DRAFT : Canal Way Educate Together aspires to create a school where children can reach their highest potential in a safe, nurturing and respectful environment. Our vision at Canal Way Educate Together is to graduate happy, engaged, open-minded, empathetic,
Mission Statement DRAFT: Canal Way Educate Together National School (CWETNS) is a child centred , co-educational, equality based, democratically run primary school under the patronage of Educate Together. As a National School, we follow the curriculum guidelines of the Department of Education. We value a collaborative supportive work space that involves our pupils, staff, parents and Board of Management. Children’s voices are nurtured through engagement in active learning and we are committed to delivering excellent education to our children. We emphasise the development of the children’s well-being in a relaxed and comfortable environment. We value our surroundings and aim to develop our school to the highest standard available to us. We treat each individual of the school community, child and adult, with respect and dignity and nurture attitudes to enable our community to become respectful, inquisitive, expressive, considerate and imaginative members of society.
STUDENT COUNCIL: Our Student Council will be attending the Educate Together Ethos Conference on Friday and presenting on Environmental issues in schools. As part of their presentation, the student council will be talking about how they have initiated the ‘make over’ of the student’s toilets. They chose colours for the walls, organised art competitions, and art displays and framing, new mirrors, air-fresheners, new fittings etc. This project is on-going, but with only a few minor details to be completed, the toilets are so much more bright and fresh. Their ownership of this area has brought greater respect for the toilets, and they should be very proud of their work.
STAFFING Welcome to Pat our new caretaker. Say hello to him if you see him around the school in the mornings.
SCHOOL SAFETY Please continue to be aware of traffic and parking around the top of the road. Make sure you all get to and from school safely every day.
Thank you to all who supported the Table Quiz Last Friday night through attendance, donations and the raffle.
The Winter Fair is happening on Sunday, 9th December between 2pm – 4pm. This is a lovely event for children and parents so save the date. We will soon be doing a shout out for volunteers to help with set up and clean up, crafts, face painting, baking and cafe so please have a think about whether you might be able to help.
Keep warm this Winter and help raise money for our school! Canal Way beanies and hoodies are now available to order online at in Navy, Red, Orange and Blue with the school logo. On the website you just need to select the school and then choose your item / colour/ size and pay online. Items ordered will be delivered to the school the following week and will be available to collect from school reception.
COFFEE MORNING CANCELLED -We had intended to have a coffee morning tomorrow but due to staffing and scheduling restrictions, we are cancelling htis. Apologies.
Kind Regards, Dermot.