Message from Dermot
We are approaching the end of term this week, and we look forward to a nice remainder of the week before the midterm break. It’s been an exciting term here in CWETNS, with our sports teams winning matches, and we had STEM Week including dissecting of squids and ye can rest easy —the fish are still alive in the foyer!
This month, our core value has been Respect, and as we move into the next term, we’ll focus on Friendship. We will also be working on important lessons around bullying and anti-bullying, with Anti-Bullying Week planned for Week of 18.11.2024.
Please find the school times and closure details for the midterm break below. We also look forward to seeing you all at our upcoming parent-teacher meetings next month, and fancy dress this Fri of course – details below.
Tóg go bog é – Dermot.