NEWSLETTER 19.05.2016


CONGRATULATIONS CWETNS – all our hard work has paid off. Canal Way Educate Together National School has achieved a Science Foundation Ireland Discover Science and Maths Plaque of STEM Excellence for the 2015/16 academic year. Thanks Aodán and Ciarán for leading this.

FRIENDS OF CANALWAY – Big shout out to two founding members of CWETNS. Look what they’ve been up to –

  • Congratulations to Ivana Bacik on her re-election to the Seanad. Best Wishes for the coming years from us all.
  • Henri McKervey has just published her second book ‘The Heart of Everything’ which has been getting a lot of fine reviews – IRISH TIMES  Congratulations Henri – It truly is a great read, so relevant to us mid-lifers & one for the book clubs out there.

BUILDINGS COMMITTEE: We are forming a buildings committee to help manage maintenance issues with the building and plan for future extensions. The role of the committee will be pro-active and require commitment from its members. We are looking for people with skills in


Building Management/Maintenance

Building contracting or project management


Quantity Surveying


If you are interested in becoming part of the Buildings Committee could you please email details of your expertise and skill set and what you could bring to the committee – [email protected]. Please give this some thought – It will be enjoyable and a great way to ‘give’ to the school.

SCHOOL CLOSURE: The school will be closed on Bank Holiday Monday 6th & now Tuesday 7th. Please not that 7th is not on your calendar –  the staff are receiving training on a new Language Curriculum to be rolled out in the coming years.

ON-LINE PAYMENTSThank-you to the parents who have paid for the active schools using our on-line payment.  You will have received an email with a link for payment.


 ACTIVE SCHOOLS WEEK – Please volunteer to help out. Let your class teacher know. We need more volunteers in particular for Sports Day (Tuesday) and Sponsored Walk (Thursday). Please be in school on time as if you are late you may very well find an empty building.

Nutritionist next Friday morning to talk about nutrition for your children and yourselves – 08.35 next Friday in the parent’s room.

* * *    Remember Fancy Dress on Thursday – no weapons or scary characters.

VISITORS – Our guests have returned (if they ever left). Please check your children’s hair and treat accordingly. This is really important. Families are understandably growing tired of it now.

BUDDY BENCH – We have a Buddy Bench in the yard. We unveiled this at assembly this morning. This bench is a special place the children can go to find a friend. SEE GALLERY. Thanks Aodán & Hazel for organising this and to the children for dramatizing scenarios to help us use the bench properly. This bench was bought using the money raised from the fundraising show ‘RIDICULOUS’. Thanks.


We are fast approaching the deadline of 7th June for school patrons to apply for the patronage of the new Second Level school, due to open in Dublin South CIty are in 2018. So this is your final chance to make this an Educate Together second level school, sign up online at

Public Meeting on an Educate Together Second Level School 

for Dublin South City

 Date: Tuesday 31st May at 8.00pm

Venue: Wesley Hall, Lesson Park, Dublin 6

We are holding a public meeting to discuss the opening of the new school, the Department of Education process to award patronage and to share with interested parents what a Second level Educate Together School looks like.

Speakers will include a principal and parent of an Educate Together Second Level school as well as Educate Together. This will be a great opportunity to understand more about the Educate Together Second Level approach and hear direct experiences from parents and a principal.  Look forward to seeing you there!

NATIONAL PARENTS COUNCIL – National Parents Council Primary are surveying children, parents and teachers on the issue of Homework. SURVEY HERE

Enjoy the Weekend,
