Dear Parents Guardians,
ETHOS – Our weekly assemblies every Friday are going well. The Jewsih Holiday Yom Kippur is happening next week on the 22nd, and also the Autumn Equinox is on the 23rd.
GAEILGE – We will be using a ‘phrase of the week’ in Canal Way ETNS. We will be using this around the school. Please use this at home also. This will feature in the weekly newsletter, so be prepared ! This week’s Frasa Na Seachtain is …
Conas atá tú? Tá / Níl mé go maith – How are you? I am good / not good.
Toddler Group – starting this Friday, the 18th of September. Drop in for coffee and a chat with the toddly-wobblies.
Talk – Supporting your child’s Speech and Language Development– Jennifer Grundilis, Wednesday the 30th of September 08.30 – 09.45 in the parents’ room. Speech and Language Therapist and Canal Way mum Jennifer Grundulis will be speaking on how to support your child’s continued speech and language development CLICK for info.
If you have a topic that you think might interest a group of parents, or indeed if you have an activity you would like to run, we’d love to hear from you at [email protected].
DATE FOR YOUR DIARIES! The AGM of the Parents Association will take place at the school on October 6th at 8pm. All parents are members of the Parents Association, and we hope that as many people as possible will be able to come along. At this meeting, a summary of activities for the last academic year will be presented, and the election for the new committee will take place.
AFTERSCHOOL ACTIVITIES: After School Activities list will be live on the school website early next week, and parents will be able to signup electronically.
The activities are Art, Speech & Drama, Legoclub, Playball, Yoga, Spanish, Italian, Choir/Singing, Guitar, Capoeira, Science, Soccer & Irish Dancing.
(Thankyou to Gosia & the committee who worked extremely hard to offer these to our children. Cheers.)
COMMUNITY: Celebrating International Older Persons Day – The Secrets of Dublin’s Place Names. Historian Catherine Sucliff takes us through Dublin’s Place names and the interesting secrets and facts behind them. St Catherine’s Core Church Thomas Street, October 2nd. 10.30am. Light refreshments also. Contact Mary Lynch for further details – 01 2225200
ADMIN: Can any parents who are not receiving the newsletter notification by email please contact the office with a current email address ([email protected]). Class teachers sometimes send out notes via email and we need to have an active email account for you.
Some Junior Infant parents have not yet returned the Child Information / Skills Questionnaire / Consent forms. Can you please do immediately.
PE: as follows – please ensure children are dressed appropriately with correct fotware.
Aodán & Hazel: Tuesday & Friday
Dermot – Monday & Wednesday
Ciarán – Wednesay & Thursday
Wilma & Aileen – Tuesday & Thursday
APPEAL – Hazel s organising a pop up dress sale in Kilkenny, and would greatly appreciate donations of adult dresses for this event. Money raised for Unicef refugee fund for Syria. Pleased drop in donations to Hazel’s room.
NO NUTS: Thank-you for your continued support – do not pack nuts in lunches.
We hope you have a nice weekend,
Dermot & Staff.