NEWSLETTER 14.12.2017
We have our Annual Self Expression Day tomorrow which ends our Human Rights Month. We will have an assembly tomorrow for the children based on what we have learned in each class. Please dress children in clothes and outfits that reflect THEM – maybe your kit from your football team, cultural clothes, character from a book that represents you, karate, music, brownies, scouts, favourite animal etc.
School will close at 12noon on 22nd of December and shall re-open at 08.30am on 8th January 2018.
Children will be doing class performances in the hall at 08.45am on dates below. The open assembly will take place over two mornings. We are looking forward to sharing what we have been learning about.
- Wednesday 20th December – Fiona, Jenny, Cian, Ciaran & Doireann
- Thursday 21st December – Niamh, Aodán, Simon, Aileen, Ciaran & Doireann
Ciaran’s and Doireann’s are leading the assemblies on both mornings so you can catch them on either day.
A local lady was knocked down at the top of the lane, on James’s Walk yesterday morning at drop off time. I have spoken to Fiona our Traffic Warden, who helps us to cross the road, and she is extremely concerned about the cars in the morning. Her main concerns are as follows –
– Cars are driving down the lane, dropping off and reversing back up and out of the lane while children from our school and our neighbouring schools are walking on the lane.
– People are walking across James’s Walk, and not using Fiona’s guidance. Please do not walk across the road until Fiona stands in the middle of the road, and safely stopped the traffic.
– Cars are parking on corners and on double yellow lines, where people need to get across safely and pedestrians are walking.
The increased parking and traffic is due to our growing school, James’s Hospital are less one car-park, and also the construction staff are parking in the area. The bend in the road is also a challenge as we all know. Fiona is tryng to keep everyone safe among all of this, and she is understandably concerned and we are too. Please be cautious on the road – arrive early and be aware of Fiona and the difficult job she is doing, and be safe and aware of children all around you.
THANKS – to the Parents Association, who arranged a fantastic day last week at the Winter Fair. It took an enormous amount of work, and it was a really enjoyable day. Thank you so much.
Enjoy your weekend,
Dermot & Staff