Welcome to this weeks newsletter


Muintir Day. Thank you to all the grandparents, family members and family friends who came along and enjoyed our Muintir Days here in the school. There was much fun, games and reminiscing taking places in the classrooms around the school. Thank you to all of the teachers and children for being such great hosts and to the classes who performed at our assemblies. Many thanks also to Phyllis and her mum (also Phyllis) and to the many families who baked cakes for the coffee morning here on both days. Thanks Hazel for initiating this and organising the event.


June Bank Holiday – Monday June 3rd and Tuesday June 4th School closed

School closes for summer break Friday 28th June at 12:00


I am hosting an information coffee morning next Thursday 23rd at 08.40am in the hall. I shall be giving a brief outline of secondary schools in Ireland today, enrolment, preparing your child, local schools and general information. There is no huge update since last week’s newsletter, and this is more of a general information talk which should be of help to all – and there’s coffee.


Summer BBQ – The annual summer barbeque is taking place on Sunday, 9th June between 2pm and 4pm. The Parents’ Association Committee is looking for volunteers to help out with set up, clear up, food preparation, face painting, children’s games and an arts and crafts table. The event cannot be run without the help of volunteers so any assistance is greatly appreciated. Please contact Helen at [email protected] if you can help or let your class rep know.


School tours will take place late May / early June as follows:




Junior Infants

Airfield Farm

Friday May 24th

Senior Infants

Imaginosity and Marlay Park

Tuesday May 28th

1st Class

Pine-forest Art Centre

Tuesday May 28th

2nd Class

Fort Lucan

Wednesday May 29th

3rd Class

Fort Lucan

Wednesday May 29th

4th Class

Clara Lara Fun Park

Wednesday June 5th

5th / 6th Class

Clara Lara Fun Park

Wednesday June 5th

The payment link has been issued and reminders will be sent out next week. Thank you to those who have paid already.

Around the Building!

We have cool new blinds in the building to shield us from the blazing summer sun – in all the classrooms, the hall and staffroom.


Thanks to the parents association for their fundraising for resources – we have just purchased filming equipment, editing software and we plan to purchase projecting equipment also.

What could we be up to?

COMMUNITY – interesting event & course here – Weaving in the Liberties – see image below,

Enjoy the weekend,

Dermot & Staff