ETHOS – Our core value is Sharing. Best Wishes to families beginning Ramadan in the coming days. Hope everyone is enjoying the long evenings and getting out and about in the sunshine.
FARM TOMORROW: Garden will be closed tomorrow morning, to facilitate the mobile farm visiting us. Thanks to the Parents Association for funding this educational experience.
SAVE THE DATE: Canal Way Summer BBQ will take place on Sunday 09 June, 2pm – 4pm. More details and shout out for volunteers to follow soon. Keep your diaries free!
JUNIOR ENTREPRENEURS: 5th 6th class have undertaken an entrepreneurial project and designed, and produced a Bee Booster Box. Check out the initiatives page on our website for more information and latest news. They will be showcasing in the RDS on May 20th. Production of the boxes is scheduled for the coming weeks. Dublin 8 will be buzzin!
EGG DROP – thanks to our families and children for making this year’s egg drop as outrageous as ever – check out the gallery & initiatives pages for pics.
STANDARDISED TESTING First Class to Sixth Class will be doing standardised testing on Wednesday 8th and Tuesday 14th of this month. Please make every effort for your child to be present and early on these days. Standardised testing will be in literacy and numeracy. This is one test that helps us identify children who may need support, and also helps us target that learning. It is not a test that assesses all of your child’s learning, nor does it reflect their friendships, sport skills, artistic flairs, creativity, personality, happiness levels etc. It is not a test you can study for either, so get a good night’s sleep and chill – and get the children to bed on time also.
May Bank holiday – Monday May 6th school closed
June Bank Holiday – Monday June 3rd and Tuesday June 4th school closed
School closes for summer break Friday 28th June at 12:00
MUINTIR DAY – (family day) Our school will be celebrating Muintir Canal Way on Thursday the 17th and Friday the 18th of May from 10.30-12.30. It is a day to celebrate older and wiser people in our lives and invite them to visit our school, have a chat and share in our learning. Children are invited to ask a Grandparent, parent, aunt/uncle, a family friend etc. to share in this special morning. We have split this over two days and the schedule is as follows:
Thursday 16th | Friday 17th |
J.I Simon
S.I Cliona 1st Wilma 2nd Alex 3rd Jennifer 5th/6th Ciarán |
J.I Jenny
S.I Orla 1st Chris 2nd Ciara 4th Cian |
We will welcome the visitors to our school at 10.30. They will then go to the child’s classroom for a chat followed by a joint assembly. Tea and coffee will be served after this until finish at 12.30. If it is a case that your child has sibling and their visitor can only come one of the days we can facilitate that the child would join in on their sibling’s day.
School tours will take place late May / early June. We will set up a facility for online payments for the tours and this will be emailed out in the coming days.
Class | Location | Date |
Junior Infants | Airfield Farm | Friday May 24th |
Senior Infants | Imaginosity and Marlay Park | Tuesday May 28th |
1st Class | Pine-forest Art Centre | Tuesday May 28th |
2nd Class | Fort Lucan | Wednesday May 29th |
3rd Class | Fort Lucan | Wednesday May 29th |
4th Class | Clara Lara Fun Park | Wednesday June 5th |
5th / 6th Class | Clara Lara Fun Park | Wednesday June 5th |
Lots has been happening during the school break around the school.
Garden – thanks to the parents association and Wilma for organising a Garden Clean Up Day – Place looks great.
Hall painting – Thanks Sales Force for painting our Hall and thanks to Dad – Pierre, for organising this. Sales Force to the rescue for Educate Together!
New noticeboards – We have installed new notice boards around the building – very fancy and rather bespoke!
Heating upgrades – boring but cost us a bit to replace all valves and fix those leaks.
Thanks Pat for supporting all these works and working on keeping the place looking great.
DUBLIN CITY PLAY STRATEGY ONLINE SURVEY. Following on from the Dublin City Play Plan; Play here, Play there, Play Everywhere 2012 – 2017 Dublin City Council are developing an Implementation Strategy which will include a comprehensive action plan from 2019 onwards.
Families, children and young people – HAVE YOUR SAY IN THE SURVEY
Enjoy the long weekend,
Dermot and Staff.