Dates for the Diary
Midterm – School closed from Monday 21 – Friday 25 of February
St Patrick’s Day – School closed on Thursday 17th and Friday 18th of March
Core Value
Our Core Value this month is Love. All classes have been discussing what love means and the different ways we show love for one another. Jean and Jan’s first class’ did a brilliant display for our foyer which we have all enjoyed looking at and reading as we go past.

Gaelic Football
It was a big week for lots of children from 4th, 5th and 6th class in our school with our first ever Gaelic Football matches taking place. Everyone showed great determination and perseverance. It was great to see the children out laughing and having fun. Well done to coaches Orla, Amy and Luke for their hard work so far and to the other teachers who are giving up their time to support at matches. It is really appreciated.

The Return Of Canal Way Friday Assembly
With brighter sunnier days making a come back we have been able to gather outside for assemblies over the past few weeks. Last week Siobhán’s class vowed us with their performance of the colours song. The children have all been practicing David Bowie’s Star Man including actions, Molly Malone and Talking Heads- Road to Nowhere. Feel free to get some extra practice in of these songs at home too.
Science Blast
5th Class have sent a project to Science Blast. The last time we had a project at Science Blast was just before the first lockdown in 2020, when we had a fantastic day out at the RDS. This time Science Blast is online but we do hope to show off our investigation “What is the best way for 5th Class to lift 1 litre of water?” at school next month. Watch this space!

Bosca Leabharlainne
Our school was chosen to receive a fantastic box of Irish books gifted to us from the Children’s Laureate. They have been placed in a special section in our school library so all classes will have access to them.
- Please have the schools phone number saved in your phone. Many calls are not answered each week as families are unfamiliar with the number 01 402 1418.
- The amount of Lost and Found in school continues to grow on a daily basis. It is now taking up considerable room in our school. It also takes a lot of work each Friday putting out the various pieces of clothing. Can all parents, guardians and children please take the time on Friday mornings to look through the lost and found boxes.