Newsletter 09.12.16
Welcome to this week’s newsletter,
Our Core Value this month is empathy.
Winter Festivals will be celebrated on the 15th and 16th of December. Please check your email to see which morning your child’s class is on.
The Parents Association Committee are happy to announce that 2017 Calendars will be available to buy before the Winter Festival Assemblies next week.
The 2017 Calendar features a self-portrait of every student in the school and each costs 10 Euro (or 3 for 20 Euro!).
All profits from the sale go towards the school.
Winter Family Day was a great success thank you to all the parents who organised and volunteered on the day.
If anyone would like to get in touch with the Parents Association Committee the email address is [email protected] the next Committee meeting is on the 10th of January.
Congratulations to Shayla in third class who won the lyrics competition. We all enjoyed learning her lyrics to the song.
The photographs that were sent in as part of Human Rights Month will be on display during the winter festivals.
We received €1779.55 worth of free books after hosting the Scholastic Book Fair. We now have three class novels and lots of new exciting books in the school for everyone to enjoy. Hopefully we can build on this collection each year.
Thanks to all those who are in the lines at 8.30 each morning. Remember Thursday and Friday this week it is especially important to be in on time.
Have a nice weekend,
Canal Way Staff