NEWSLETTER 07.10.2015
Dear Parents,
Welcome to this weeks newsletter,
WHOLE SCHOOL EVALUATION: As you know our school will be having a whole school evaluation from the Department of Education, starting on Monday, and continuing throughout the week. Please return your question forms ASAP. We are all extremely proud of our school, and we look forward to using this evaluation when planning for our future. Best foot forward as always troops!
HOUSEKEEPING / HEALTH AND SAFETY: The junior infants are well settled in now, and this week we encouraged the adults to leave them in their line – allowing the teachers to lead them into the school at 08.30am. Thank-you for your co-operation with this. Now that we have over 150 pupils, we are taking the health and safety of your ‘little treasures’ very seriously. To ensure your child is accepted into our care safely and that they make it to class safely at 08.30am, the following applies –
– Children will be taken off yard by teacher, and brought to their rooms, at 08.30am.
– If you arrive after 08.30am, your child will be accepted by an adult at the door and will make their way to their classroom. Doors will remain open at back of the building until 08.45am.
– The office opens at 09.15am should you arrive later than 08.45am, and you will sign in at this time. This is similar to last year… we do not have the personnel to accept children at any other time.
Tóg go bog é – Take it easy
Thank-you to those parents who attended last night. It truly was a night of democracy! We will announce the Parents Association Committee and the Board of Management Representatives during the coming week. Congratulations to all who were successful.
Thank-you to those who paid – please send in money at your earliest convenience. I’m here for a chat if you want.
Toddler group – as always on Friday morning in the parents room.
All the best,