NEWSLETTER 07.09.2018

Welcome to the first newsletter of the year,

ETHOS – This month’s Core Value is Happiness. The Jewish Festival of Rosh Hashanah will be celebrated from 9 – 11 September.

WELCOME JUNIOR INFANTS: our new students are getting settled in at the moment, and it is truly great to have them with us. They are two fabulous classes and we are thrilled to have them as part of our community. Lots happening in their classes, and we look forward to welcoming them into our school.

Welcome also to our families who have joined in other classes.

ALLERGIES & HEALTHY EATING: Thank-you for your support as always with lunches. We have a group of students now, that have various serious allergies, and we ask you are vigilant packing the lunches and the following applies:

–          NO nuts of any form, including pine nuts, and pesto.

–          NO Seeds, in particular sesame seeds which are difficult to see and for us to detect. This is a serious allergy for the child and we ask for your support here.

If your child has a Chronic illness please inform us ASAP and read our chronic illness policy on our website. Thankyou

TRAFFIC – thanks to our Traffic Warden Fiona, on James Walk who does a difficult job every morning. She has requested the following from us, and we pass this on and ask that you remember it every morning – will be speaking to the children about this also, as I am sure you will yourselves.

–    Do not leave the path to cross the road until she has stopped in the middle of the road, and has completely stopped the traffic.

–    Walk across on the yellow box.

Thank-you and thanks to Fiona for all your help.

PARENTS ASSOCIATION – The AGM for the Parents’ Association is on next Wednesday 12th September at 8pm, at the school. We’ll be reviewing the events of the last year, shining a light on some parent focused issues, presenting some future-facing ideas from the outgoing Parents’ Association Committee (PAC), and voting in a new Committee (we need two from each class) to represent parents in the coming academic year. Please consider joining the committee. It is a great experience and a good opportunity to become involved in school life. We look forward to seeing you all there.

If you are interested in putting yourself forward for this year’s Committee (2018/2019), please let us know. (Just to give us an indication of the level of interest in advance, if possible.) If you are interested, but can’t make the AGM, please let your outgoing class rep know or email us at [email protected].

COMMUNITY:   St James Linear Park Consultation Community Consultation Workshop – Thursday, September 13th: Morning: 10:00-11:30am/ Evening: 7:30-9:00pm –  F2 Centre, Reuben Plaza, Rialto

Foróige Claire Hutchinson, Regional Youth Officer, is exploring the idea of a new volunteer led youth club for Inchicore, in particular for youths aged 10-13.  Claire is hosting a meeting: on Wednesday 12th September 2018, 8pm -9pm in KRIB Youth Project,  199 Emmet Road, Inchicore Village. If you are interested in attending either of these meetings please can you let Claire know – [email protected])

CLASS MEETINGS – You will be invited into the school to meet your class teacher after drop off, in the last week of the month. This will be a whole class meeting and your teacher will inform you of how the class will operate, housekeeping and curricular content. This was one of the outcomes of the Vision Meeting last year facilitated by ET, and we are looking forward to introducing this as part of our revised communication policy. Individual parent teacher meetings will be held as usual in November. We will be in touch with times for the class meetings at the end of the month.

YARD – This year we will be using our garden and yard spaces for break times. We will have a rota to split the school between the yard and the garden for breaks. The school is becoming bigger now, and this is will help alleviate the numbers around the site.

Thank-you for your continued support in dismounting scooters and bikes when entering the yard. Also, please no scooting or bikes at collection time.


Hope you enjoy the weekend,

Dermot & Staff