Newsletter 06.12.2018
Welcome to our Newsletter – 06/12/2018
Garden Volunteers
Wilma and Ingrid are looking for volunteers in the school garden for this Saturday 8th December from 9am – 12pm. We will be installing the new timber edging and planting up the new woodland border. Volunteers should bring gloves, tools for planting and spades. Please let the office know if you are available.
Thanks to Hazel for organising the puppet company Moon and Sixpence to come to our school today. The show was a great success.
Winter Assembly
We are looking forward to welcoming you to our winter assemblies during the last week of term. Each class will share some of their learning around our core values by performing a song/poem/dance. This is part of the Learn Together curriculum.
Parents Association News
Winter Fair
The annual Winter Fair will take place this Sunday, 9th December between 2pm and 4pm at the school. This is a really enjoyable event for children and parents and this year promises to be lots of fun! Events include a disco, crafts, face-painting, games, cafe plus more. There is even a space for rest and relaxation between activities. Entry is €1 per child, €2 per adult and €5 per family. Activities thereafter, including the cafe, will not be separately charged (but donations gratefully accepted!) so enjoying the event will not break the bank coming up to Christmas. Family and friends are also welcome. We really hope you can make it!
We are hoping to make this a ‘leave no trace’ event so please BYOC (bring your own cup) for the cafe if possible. Compostable cups will also be available. Please put them in the specially marked bins afterwards so they can be disposed of correctly.
Just a reminder, if anyone is planning to bring consumables (baked or bought!) for the cafe, please remember – no nuts or seeds.
Tickets for the Winter Fair raffle will be sold at the event and on the yard at drop off this Friday 7th December. There are some great prizes including Lily Allen and NCH concert tickets.
School Closures
School will finish at 12:00 on Friday 21st of December for all classes. We will re-open after the Winter break on the 7th January at 08:30