NEWSLETTER 06.03.2018

TABLE QUIZ THIS FRIDAY: We are holding a Table Quiz on March 9th in McGowans of Harold’s Cross. This is an annual event by now, and is always great fun. Start gathering your teams and get ready to rumble! All funds raised will be invested in new books for the school. Also, if you can contribute prizes for the night (for the raffle or the quiz), it would be super! Please contact Thom Malone directly, or email [email protected].

SEACHTAIN NA GAEILGE: Next week we will be having Seachtain Na Gaeilge, We shall be immersing ourselves in the Irish language and culture – with activities and dance, along with musicians to play a few tunes for us.

STUDENT CONFERENCING: Thank-you to all adults for attending Student Conferencing. Your class teacher will be in touch with dates if you have not already been into the school. Thanks to the staff also.

EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Barnardos are hosting a free seminar for parents titled ‘Emotional Development: Unlocking your child’s potential’.

When:        Wednesday March 14th, 9:30am – 1pm
Where:      F2 Centre, Rialto, Dublin 8
Cost:          Free, registration required

COMMUNITY – DUBLIN 8 SURVEY A parent in the school is working on a survey with DCU, on parental needs particularly in Dublin 8. The aim of the survey is to identify priorities for investment in services and infrastructure for families. COMPLETE THE SURVEY HERE

It won’t take long, and it will be so appreciated – thanks.


School will close at 12.00noon next Friday March 16th, for Staff Child Protection Workshop.

School Closed at 12.00noon March 23rd until April 9th for Spring/Easter Holidays..