Greetings all –
ETHOS – This month’s Core Value is ‘Love’. Chinese New Year and Darwin Day will be explored next week in school. Please send in any interesting books you have on Evolution or Chinese New Year, to share with the class.
GRANDPARENTS DAY – Friday Feb 12th, Please note that we have changed the time of this event to 10.30. Apologies. ( and Empathy was last month’s core value – shame on us ! )
If Grandparents are unable to come, we welcome any other more mature family members, to come along and partake in the discussion about their school days, games they played when they were young(er). We will delight them with some songs and poems. After our chat, the Grandparents etc are welcome to join us for our school assembly. Tea and coffee in the parents room after assembly.
GALLERY – Check out the Gallery for more photos and parental involvement.
ELECTION TIME – We have been contacted by ET, to inform our whole school community of the following information. I know some parents are working very hard on the second level campaign, so this is very relevant to us. educatetogetherge16
Sporting Liberties have asked us to inform our whole school community of a meeting on Tuesday Feb 9th @ 7pm in St Catherine’s Sports Centre, Dublin8. The meeting is about getting a full size pitch and swimming pool in Marrowbone Lane.
NO NUTS thanks for your continued support in keeping CWETNS nut free.
KIDS CINEMA NIGHT AND SPRING CLEANING SALE – Saturday 6th February, 4 – 6pm. The Parents Committee are running the first school fundraiser event of the new year, a Kids cinema night. Taking place on the school premises, we also invite you to a pop up cafe in the parent’s room, Book sale and second hand textiles collection.
So as you may be spring cleaning please start collecting and bring along any second hand books (for grownups and children) as well as good quality clothes, shoes, handbags, belts, teddies and sheets for the Textile collection. We are also looking for volunteers on the day, so if you are interested in helping out please contact [email protected]
PARENT TODDLER GROUP on Friday mornings is back on – all parents of Canalway ETNS are welcome with their toddlers. Highly recommended.
Enjoy the weekend,