Enrolment News 11.09.2020

We will be offering our places to siblings, and to families who are on waiting lists from our old enrolment procedures (pre 01.02.2020) before the end of September.

Many things may have happened since you first contacted us about enrolment – which for some of you is over four years ago. So please read on and contact us if any of the below applies to you.
1. If you have moved house or changed contact details since you first applied – please let us know so that we can update your information.
2. If you are no longer living in the area and are no longer in need of a school place – please let us know so that we can take you off our list.
3. If you have an older child already enrolled in another school and you are not planning on sending younger sibling(s) to our school – please let us know so we can take you off our list.
4. If your child is already enrolled in and attending another primary school – please let us know so that we can take you off our list.
5. If there is any other reason that you will not require a place with us in 2021 please let us know. It would greatly help for us to be able to have a realistic picture of demand for places.
We will be offering out 56 school places for Junior Infants. We have 17 siblings who will be prioritised for places as per our enrolment policy.
We will be in touch very soon with a timeline for offers and deadlines for acceptance.
We appreciate you taking the time to read and consider this information.
Kind regards
Dermot Stanley