
Agreed Report

The Board discussed the coronavirus situation, and reviewed the guidelines in place from the Department of Education & Science and HSE. The website will be kept up to date and the entire school community notified of any changes to the situation.

There are no issues re Bullying or Child Protection.

The Board is reviewing the potential for providing after-school care on the premises. We know this is important to people, and we will keep the parent body updated.

Due to changes in national DES policy, our Enrolment Policy is currently under review (this has no impact on any current applications for places for September 2020).

The Board approved the School Self-Evaluation.

Ciara Bregazzi-Nevin was appointed Staff Safety Officer.

Deirdre Finegan appointed Board of Management Safety Officer.

The Board were very concerned at the current situation regarding the demolition next door and are writing to James’s to ask for confirmation of what is being done to ensure the safety of the site and surrounding areas.