

The Board of Management’s (BOM) first meeting was held last night. There are 6 members elected and the BOM discussed co-opting the final two community representatives which will be finalised in the coming month. Enrolments and school growth were discussed, along with the scheduling of the new building unit which is to be installed over the summer months. The Principal presented the BOM with the Child Protection Overview Report. There was an annual review of the Child Safe Guarding Statement and the Anti-bullying Policy, and BOM invite the parents to read both policies and to contact the principal with contributions for consideration. Both policies can be found on the website. A brief financial report was presented. The Board of Management discussed the current work to rule industrial action by school secretaries, which they fully support, and they agreed on a strategy to escalate the item politically and within our community. Parents are asked to raise this with political representatives who may be calling to doors, and the principal will be writing to relevant parties and representatives. The Board Members pass on heart-felt condolences to the family of the late Adrian O’Connor.